Car Accidents: Tire Defects

Orlando Tire Defect Attorneys/Orlando Tire Blowout Attorneys

The instantaneous deflation or “blowout” of a car tire can be a devastating event.  Unfortunately it occurs much more often than you might expect.  A recent report by Michelin estimated that over 500 deaths and approximately 23,000 accidents a year are caused by tire blowouts.

Many tire blowouts are caused by user error such as punctures, low pressure, hitting curbs or using a tire beyond its’ rated life. Often though, they are caused by defects in design or construction by the manufacturer.  If you or a loved one have been affected by an accident caused by a tire blowout, it is important to speak with an attorney today to see if you can recover your damages from the tire or vehicle manufacturer.

Tire Tread Separation

Separation of a tire’s tread layers can be traced to any number of malfunctions or mistakes in the construction process.  All of these can lead to serious injury from blowouts.  When a tire suddenly detreads under high speed, the results are often fatal.

The most common reason for tread separation is the failure of metal belt material to bond with rubber in the tire.  The metal is usually plated with brass then bonded with a rubber compound containing sulfur. If the chemical composition of the sulfur and other materials is not optimum, or if the brass coating oxidizes before construction, the components will not completely adhere. Experts often look for belts with a glossy brass appearance to signify a failure in the tread bonding operation.

Other mistakes or oversights in the tread bonding process can cause separation as well.  These include materials contaminated with rust, moisture, oxidation, grease, sawdust, gum wrappers or even cigarette butts.  Manufacturers have also been found to use outdated bonding ingredients, sub-optimal temperatures or improper sized parts.  In one situation separation was caused by the failure to recognize that air was trapped between the layers of the tire during manufacturing.

No matter the cause, tread separation caused by the negligence of the manufacturer can be devastating if it results in an accident for your family.

Representing all tire defect scenarios including tire failure, tire defects, tread separation & tire blow-outs.

Common manufacturers: Bridgestone tire defects, Goodyear tire defects, Kumho tire failures, Cooper tire defects, Michelin tire defects.


OUR CAPABILITIES The first step to successfully resolving a catastrophic injury or wrongful death case is to identify the responsible parties. In many situations, the circumstances of the injuries are not straight-forward, and it can often be difficult to ascertain responsibility. Several different parties may ultimately be found to have some level of responsibility. And it goes without saying that when large corporations and insurance companies are involved, they will aggressively defend themselves if blamed.

Once the responsible parties are identified, it is critical to determine all past, current and future expenses and damages resulting from the accident. Often the defendants and the insurance companies don’t accurately identify these costs, and what may sound like a reasonable estimate falls well short of what’s needed for the victims and their families’ wellbeing.

As established trial attorneys with a history of obtaining outstanding verdicts and settlements for our clients, we have built and honed these capabilities over time. We use cutting-edge investigative techniques and the best experts in their fields, along with our critical thinking and deep experience, to reconstruct the accident and conclusively establish fault. We then work with accountants, doctors, caregivers and economists to accurately identify damages.

Next, we negotiate with the responsible parties to get a fair settlement, but if one is not forthcoming, we are prepared to go to trial. We have a number of resources and informational articles that may be of help to you in your search for an attorney, and you can view these here or in our Info Center.

If you or a family member have suffered serious injury or wrongful death through the actions or neglect of others, do not hesitate to contact us or call us at 1-800-393-8686 to discuss the situation. We are here to help.